Friday, February 18, 2011

Upcoming Events

Fermentation workshop - daikon kimchi and sauerkraut.

Hey Neighbours!

February and March are busy times for food growers in the Lower Mainland. It's time to lay down your soil amendments (such as manure, dolomite lime, or seaweed) and to get your peas and broad beans into the ground. Some crops like Asian greens, artichokes, fennel, and leeks can be started indoors in February. Next month you'll be able to direct plant garlic, Asian greens, kale, collards, radishes, and arugula. Yummmmy!

We start weekly Rooftop Garden drop-in on Wednesday evenings in March (5-7pm) and this year we have a very exciting (?) battle with rats and mice on our hands. Also yummy.

Here is a list of upcoming events and important dates. When registering for the pruning workshops, please send any questions you may have about fruit tree care so that our arborists can come prepared to answer you.

Pruning 101 workshop with David Tracey
Slocan Park
English with Chinese translation available
Tuesday February 22

Pruning 101 workshop with Martin Anevich
Horley Street Small Space Orchard
2723 Horley St
Saturday February 26

Planning the Horley Street Small Space Orchard
Location TBA
Thursday March 3

Berry Trail Restoration Planning
Collingwood Neighbourhood House
5288 Joyce St.
Tuesday March 8

Seed Sale and Swap
Renfrew Community Centre
2929 E. 22nd Ave.
Saturday March 12

Renewal/Sign-up Deadline for Cheyenne Avenue Garden
March 15 2011
Please make arrangement for payment (cash preferred)
$10 for new gardeners, $5 for returning gardeners

Work Party and Orientation
[Required for all interested plot holders--choose Saturday or Sunday]
Cheyenne Avenue Community Garden
2755 Cheyenne Avenue
Saturday March 19

Work Party and Orientation
Cheyenne Avenue Community Garden
2755 Cheyenne Avenue
Sunday March 20

Work Party and Orientation
[Required for all interested plot holders--choose Saturday or Sunday]
Collingwood Community Garden
100m east of Joyce Skytrain Station Exit
Saturday March 26

Work Party and Orientation
Collingwood Community Garden
100m east of Joyce Skytrain Station Exit
Sunday March 27

RSVP for sessions you will be attending and please share this information with your friends and neighbours! Thanks and see you soon.

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