Thursday, March 25, 2010

Upcoming Events

Just a reminder that Grant Watson of Grant's Gourmet Gardens will be leading a Soil Basics Workshop:

Saturday, March 27th
2723 Horley Street, near Kingsway and Earles (site of our newest local community garden).

The seed swap and plant sale originally scheduled for March 27th at Renfrew Community Centre has been postponed due to ongoing Renfrew Community Pool Renovations. However, you can catch our seed-swapping volunteers at the Seniors' Wellness Fair on Wednesday March 31st from 10-3pm.

Seniors' Wellness Fair
Renfrew Park Community Centre
2929 East 22nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5M 2Y3
(604) 257-8388
Wednesday March 31

There will be a work party on the Rooftop Garden on March 31st from 5-7pm where we will be doing more garden bed preparation, weeding, and spring planting.

And by popular demand, here is the Community Kitchens schedule from now until the end of June:

Wednesday March 31, 5-8pm
Sunday April 11, 11am-2pm
Sunday April 25, 11am-2pm
Wednesday April 28, 5-8pm
Sunday May 9, 11am-2pm
Wednesday May 26, 5-8pm
Wednesday June 30, 5-8pm

Please note that child-minding will be provided for Sunday community kitchens only. Participation is free but space is limited. To RSVP for any of these dates please contact Stephanie.

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