Friday, October 16, 2009

The Politics of Sugar: Feeding the Parasites

Sugar isn’t just bad for your teeth, the most influential substance in history after gold, and one of the most popular and delicious food ingredients. It’s also the favourite food of the parasites that live inside the human body. While researching sugar for a food security project, I found this fact the most intriguing, because it paints a disturbing picture for anyone who cares about food security and sovereignty.

Sugar in its most basic form -cane juice- isn’t harmful in and of itself. It’s when it’s processed into crystallized powdery stuff that it starts throwing off the human biology and becomes implicated in everything from inflammation, hypoglycemia, yeast overgrowth, a weakened immune system, hyperactivity, ADD, enlargement of the liver and kidneys, and mental and emotional disorders . There’s also corn syrup and other variations of highly refined sugars that the body doesn’t know how to process, so they become toxins floating around in the blood and ideal for parasites to feast on.

The largest supplier of sugary foods world-wide is the US, and the sugar industry lobbies to keep prices 2-3 times higher than the global market rate. A few people enrich themselves by producing a product that has no nutrients and is either the main ingredient or an additive in most supermarket or prepared foods. The stuff is so addictive that rats suffering from sugar withdrawal show many of the same behaviours as rats addicted to heroin and cocaine. With the average person consuming almost a cup of sugar each day, the grip sugar has on us as a society is near complete.

A person riddled with parasites may become irritable, tired, anxious, have constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, skin rashes, allergies, joint pain, sleep disturbances, low calcium or iron levels, immune dysfunction, and grind their teeth. When we go to the doctor, he or she will usually tell us to put cortisone on the skin, take arthritis medication, or that we have irritable bowel syndrome and should just eat regular meals. They’ll never tell us we have parasites unless we’ve recently visited a tropical country.

It’s in the interest of those in power to keep people addicted and downtrodden with the consequences of excessive sugar consumption, making boatloads of money and ensuring that we don’t think for ourselves. Therefore, it’s a good idea to cut back on the amount of sweets one eats, as well as check the ingredients of common foods for sugar or glucose/fructose and buy those with less chemically altered sugars like cane juice, agave nectar or honey. Because instead of feeding ourselves when we eat candy, soda, cookies, chocolate and pasta sauce with added sugar, we’re in all likelihood really feeding the sugar company daddies and our little intestinal “friends”.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Mary, I found this book online: "Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History."

Some day if you get the chance to read it I'd love to hear your opinion on it.